In the Alpes de Haute Provence, there are 4 important sectors:


In the Alpes de Haute Provence which is a territorial reference for flavour, the agrifood sector represents 160 businesses and 1,500 jobs.

In 2014, the industrial firms of the agrifood sector exported 78 million Euros of products, i.e. 15% of the department's exports.


The cosmetics industry: 33 firms, 770 employees and a recognized leading company, L’Occitane en Provence.

To date, 270 million Euros of products exported (perfumes, cosmetics and cleaning products) representing over half the total of the department's exports. L’Occitane en Provence is the department's leading exporter.

Due to its amazing growth and worldwide development, the firm has enabled many firms to be launched.


The Vallée des Energies (Energy Valley) is home to tomorrow's "energy mix"! It stretches from Gap to Pertuis and mostly covers the forward-looking Val de Durance with its strong, dynamic economy.

Lastly, the Val de Durance offers businesses in the Energy sector a network of services, an economic network and a high-quality natural environment.

Tourism and well-being

Health, nature, culture, quality of life, exceptional landscapes, etc. make tourism is the key strategic sector for the department, generating jobs, income and added value for the other economic sectors.

It therefore plays a large part in the development of the territory of the Alpes de Haute Provence.