1. Presentation of the site:
Pursuant to the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of Law No 2004-575 of 21st June 2004 for the Confidence in the Digital Economy Act, known in French as L.C.E.N., we bring the following information to the attention of users and visitors to the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site
Legal information:
Owner status: Association
Prefix : Association
Company name: Agence de Développement des Alpes de Haute Provence (Development Agency)
Adress : Immeuble François Mitterrand - BP 80170 - 04 990 Digne-les-Bains - France
APE Code : 8413Z
SIREN No : 341 236 321
SIRET No : 341 236 321 00046
Telephone number: +33(0)4 92 75 80 53
With a capital of: 0 €
Email address: eco@ad04.fr
The site creator is: Agence de communication OYOPI
Director of publication: Julien MARTELLINI
Contact the director of publication: eco@ad04.fr
The director of publication is a person
The Webmaster is: Agence de Développement des Alpes de Haute Provence
Contact the Webmaster: eco@ad04.fr
The website host is: o2switch à Clermont Ferrand FRANCE
CREDITS : the legal notices were generated by http://www.generer-mentions-legales.com
Photo credits:
All the photos on the site have a copyright.
Reportage photo Moyenne Durance May 2016 - JL. ARMAND and T. VERGOZ
www.wego-productions.com - JC. FLACCOMIO
Reportage photo UDE 04 - www.alainlebreton-rh.fr - Alain LE BRETON
Reportage photo Zone d'activités : Pyramide Fabrice Trouvé
Other photos on the site :
©Alain Le Breton / AD04, ©AD04 / Manu Molle, AD04/ Teddy Verneuil, AD04/Philippe Murtas, ©AD04/Michel Boutin, ©AD04/Fabrice Trouvé, ©AD04/Greet Beun, ©AD04/Eric Olive, ©AD04 / Raoul Getraud, ©AD04 / Thibaut Vergoz, ©AD04 / Globeblogueurs
Pages portrait de territoires :
©Alpes de Lumière, ©Trail de Haute-Provence, ©Festival Cooksound, ©AD04/Mir Photo, ©Verdon Pictures, ©AD04/Haut les mains, ©AD04/Manu Molle, ©Mathieu Simoulin/ Verdon-pictures.com, ©Brasserie Cordoeil, ©Val d’Allos Loisirs Développement, © Verdon e-Bike, ©AD04/Mir Photos, ©Observatoire de Haute-Provence, ©Librairie Le Bleuet, ©Shutterstock/Samot, ©AD04/Julien Martellini, ©AD04/La Magnanerie, ©AD04/FIB, ©AD04/UDE04, © Bastide de Moustiers/P. Monetta, ©Domaine de l’Adoux/Cap France, ©AD04/W.Fautre, ©AD04/Aéronefs & Aérostats de Provence, ©Camping l’Hippocampe, © Gite de séjour et restaurant l’Inattendu, ©Hélisport, ©Maison de produits de pays de Jausiers, ©Intégral, © SMADESEP, ©AD04/Theo Giacometti, ©Boyauderie de Sisteron, ©Hôtel-Restaurant Le Cours, ©SEM de Sisteron, ©Shutterstock/Leonid Andronov, ©AD04/Eric Olive, ©Xavier Boymond, ©Lou bio, ©Thermes de Gréoux-les-Bains, ©Initiatives 04, ©AD04/UDE04, ©François Doucet Confiseur, ©Observatoire de Haute-Provence, ©Librairie Le Bleuet, ©Shutterstock/Samot
2. Description of the services provided:
The aim of the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site is to provide information on all the activities of the firm. The site owner does their best to provide as accurate information as possible on the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site.
However, they may not be held liable for any omissions, inaccuracy or deficiencies in the update, whether of their own doing or of that of third party partners supplying them with this information.
All the information given on the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site is solely for guidance purposes, is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.
It is given subject to amendments having been made since it was placed on line.
3. Intellectual property rights and counterfeiting:
The owner of the site is the owner of the intellectual property rights or has user rights on all the elements accessible on the site, and particularly texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, application, etc.
Reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation in whole or in part, whatever the means or procedure used without prior written permission to the email address: eco@ad04.fr is prohibited.
All unauthorized exploitation of the site or of one of these elements it contains will be considered as counterfeit and sued pursuant to the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
4. Hypertext links and cookies:
The www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com website contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites (partners, information, etc.) set up with the authorization of the owner of the site. However, the owner of the site does not have the possibility of checking the sites visited and declines all responsibility for the possible risk of illicit content.
Users are informed that when they visit the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site, one or several are likely to be automatically installed on his computer. A cookie is a small file which does not enable identification of the user, but which records information on the navigation by a computer on a site. The data thus obtained aim to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site and also enable various measurements of visit frequency.
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cookie_consent | Your choice in the form yes / no | Invest in Alpes de Haute Provence | 3 weeks | Used to remember your choice (whether or not you accept non-obligatory cookies). |
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5. Protection of assets and persons – management of personal data:
User: An internet user connecting, using the above-named site: www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com
In France, personal data are protected in particular by Law No 78-87 of 6th January 1978, Law No 2004-801 of 5th August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code and the European Directive of 24th October 1995.
On the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site, the site owner does not collect any personal data concerning the user except when needed for certain services offered by the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site. Users supply these data consensually, particularly when they enter them themselves. lt is then specified to users of the www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site whether they are obliged or not to supply these data.
Pursuant to the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of law 78-17 of 6th January 1978 relative to information technology, files and civil liberties, you have the right to access, modify, amend or delete your personal.
To exercise this right, please address your request to www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com by email: email du webmaster or by making a written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the identity document with the signature of the document holder, specifying the address to which the reply must be sent.
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The www.investinalpesdehauteprovence.com site was declared to the CNIL under the number……… No CNIL declaration no collection of personal data.
The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1st July 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 relative the legal protection of data bases.
6. Cartography :
OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. The full legal code explains your rights and responsibilities. The cartography in our map tiles, and our documentation, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (CC BY-SA).