The Alpes de Haute Provence, a reference territory for flavour

Agrifood is represented by 160 firms and 1,500 jobs

In 2014, the industrial firms of the agrifood sector exported 78 million Euros of products (62 % of agricultural products and 38 % of processed products in the agrifood industry) i.e. 15% of the department's exports.

Costed sectoral data sheet for the agrifood sector

The following businesses have chosen the Alpes de Haute Provence:


Organic farming

Organic farming in the department is as rich and varied as its landscapes. Cereals, vegetables, legumes, aromatic, medicinal and perfume plants, olive oil, meat and ewe's cheese, etc.

To date, the Alpes de Haute Provence department already numbers 299 organic farmers and is the 5th French department where organic farming is concerned, behind the Drôme, the Pyrénées Orientales, the Bouches du Rhône and the Vaucluse.

Organic farming concerns all the department's productions. Nevertheless, conversions to organic farming during the last few years have enabled the development of large crops and sheep breeding.

In a region at the forefront of the development of organic farming

13 % of the agricultural land in the Alpes de Haute Provence department is devoted to certified crops, i.e. over 19,000 hectares (2nd largest regional surface area).

So in seven years, the share of agricultural land in the department devoted to organic farming has progressed by nearly 6 points.

Firms specialised in organic production in the Alpes de Haute Provence:

vigne des Alpes de Haute Provence

The sector's players

The players of the agrifood sector