Aids for companies
Overview of the aids which can be mobilized in the Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur:
Guichet Unique du Conseil Régional (Regional Board One-Stop Scheme) and Fonds d’Investissement pour les Entreprises de la Région – FIER (Investment Fund for Businesses in the Region)
The Regional Board's new assistance schemes for businesses
Document to download: Investment Fund for Businesses in the Region (FIER)
"Le guide des acteurs du financement de l'entreprise en PACA"
by the PRIDES Finances et Conseils Méditerranée:
53 players all based in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region are listed, offering the widest range of funding: loans, subsidy, own funds, refundable aid, etc.
Download the 2014 guide to funding
These guides are not exhaustive and the allocation of funding is subject to a case-by-case study.
FOCUS on the main financial aids which can be mobilized on the territory: |
Investment funds: |
A network of public stakeholders to serve your project
Entreprendre network
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chambre de commerce et d'industrie territoriale)
Chamber of Agriculture (Chambre d'agriculture)
Union of Enterprises (Union des Entreprises (UDE 04))
CréActeurs 04, A network of assistance for the creation and reprise of businesses in the Alpes de Haute Provence
Download the guide: How to create my business in the Alpes de Haute Provence
There are several specific aides:
Prêt SANOFI (Sanofi loan)
Equity loans for SMEs which directly create jobs, to the tune of 20,000 Euros loaned per job to be created.
Investment fund: Une rivière un territoire
The Une Rivière Un Territory Durance Méditerranée Agency aims at encouraging sustainable economic development in our region. A national investment fund has been set up to take part in the growth of new projects which create jobs in the sectors of water, energy and the environment.
This financial support can take the form of equity investments or equity loans.
Zonage Aides à Finalité Régionale (AFR) (regional aid area)
These AFR, designed for major companies and SMEs, make it possible to subsidize productive investment (buildings, land, facilities) or the creation of jobs linked to the investment (wage bill of jobs created over 2 years).
New businesses installed in a "Zone d’Aide à Finalité Régionale » (regional aid area) may be eligible for income tax exemption:
The profits made during the first 24 months following the date of creation are 100% tax-exempt.
Municipalities zoned in the department: (AFR) |
Aubignosc, Château-Arnoux Saint-Auban, Forcalquier, Gréoux-les-Bains, Lurs, Malijai, Manosque, Les Mées, Mison, Oraison, Peipin, Peyruis, Pierrerue, Sisteron, Valensole. |
Zone de Revitalisation Rurale (ZRR)(Rural Revitalisation Zone)
ZRR means « Zone de Revitalisation Rurale » (Rural Revitalisation Zone) and targets the development of rural territories mainly through tax and social measures.
Several exemptions are possible:
(Temporary) income tax exemption.
Exemption of part of the employer's social contributions when recruiting employees (for permanent contracts and fixed-term contracts of at least 12 months).
These exemptions are subject to certain conditions (type of activity, tax regime, etc.).
Municipalities zoned in the department: (ZRR) |
A B C D / E F / G H / I / J L M N / O P / Q R S T U / V |